Saturday, January 25, 2020

Theoretical Overview of Gender Socialization

Theoretical Overview of Gender Socialization What is the meaning and intent behind this rhyme? What types of messages are given with a rhyme to children? How children internalize these messages? What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails Thats what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all thats nice. Thats what little girls are made of. (Marchbank Letherby, 2007). Immediate after the birth, children are surrounded with environmental input from the society in which they grow up, peers and teachers they interact, media, books and parents related to their gender and roles attributed to their gender. Those messages and social cues tell children there are two ways of existing (Marchbank Letherby, 2007). Children are surrounded with environmental in-put about gender from family, peers, and the media. At the same time, they make their own attempts to understand the world and to form categories that help organize it. Gender provides one convenient way for them to accomplish this cognitive organization. In addition, society suffuses the gender distinction with affect, making gender what is perhaps the most salient (Eckes and Trautner, 2000). Gender is seen as a categorical system made up of many levels. Although at the most fundamental level, it is defined by physiology as biological differences between the sexes, on the basis of their sexual anatomy; it usually refers to social, cultural and psychological rules and traits linked to males and females through particular social context. Gender Identity is defined as individuals experience oh himself or herself as masculine or feminine and one of the strongest components of socialization is the development of gender identity. Gender identity, an aspect of self-concept, develops in childhood, learned early and well (Richardson Simpson, 1982). The acquisition and modification of childrens gender roles, attitudes, and social behaviors related to gender, are regulated by many factors, including the values of social class to which they belong, interaction with peers and teachers, exposure to behavior and standards through mass media and especially parents and their parenting styles are the most principle and most influential agents in childrens gender socialization process (Mussen, et al, 1979). In the fallowing part, the influences of parents will be discussed; however, it is needed to look at theoretical overview of gender role development to understand the role of parents in detail. Theoretical Overview of Gender Socialization All theories of gender role development focus on primary socialization and deal with how children learn gender identity, at the time they become aware of two sexes having different gender roles and acting differently. Gender socialization and gender role development are influenced by a variety of significant elements such as biology, social constitutions and social interaction and personality. Different theories bring different point of look and understanding to these each element (Lindsey, 2005). Biological accounts of gender differences have been popular in recent years by focusing on the hormonal and genetic factors. Physical differentiation of two sexes and differentiation of sex organs are determined due to the sex hormones and chromosomes. Here, starting at the conception, it could be said that hormones play a role in sex differentiation between male and female bodies, but it is not at all (Marchbank and Letherby, 2007). Biological theories of sex differences indicate that hormone activity as biological events are viewed as producing psychological and cognitive differences between sexes in terms of being nurturance or aggressiveness. For example, the changes in the mood of women during the menstrual cycle are seen as result of the hormone levels in their blood or the level of testosterone becomes a common explanation used to explain aggressive and hostile behaviors (Burr, 1998). However, there are also studies in literature rejecting the effects of hormones on the differences of behaviors among the females and males. Monozygotic twins sharing 100% of identical genes have been analyzed in terms of the similarities and differences in their behaviors. Mitchell and his colleagues resulted that genes can explain from 20% to 48% of the differences among the behaviors, but environmental factors have a greater role in the range of 52%- 80% of differences (Helgeson, 2005). When the attention is drawn on the studies of testosterone hormone, according to the study of Brannon, both males and males involved in criminal activities and the relationship between aggressiveness and violence can not be solely depending on the testosterone level in men (Brannon, 2005). Similar to the results of Brannon, according to a study conducted with prisoners, college students and psychiatric patients, it is found that there was no positive correlation between hostility and testosterone levels (Burr, 1998). Additionally to these findings, the level of testosterone should not be associated with males, rather in a study; there is a correlation between increased testosterone levels of female students and improved performance on tests for spatial abilities. However, the improvement is not due to the presence of testosterone, rather it is related to relative level of testosterone seen as determinant character of optimal performance (Smith, 2007). When the attention has been turned to the brain studies to explain sex differences in cognition and behaviors of females and males, again paradoxical explanations can be seen in that era. Although, some argue that differential brain lateralization contributes differently to the emotional and cognitive functions of two sexes, the findings are not satisfactory to explain gender role differences (Hetherington Parke, 1993). Different areas of brain have been playing different roles in terms of different cognitive functions. It is believed that right-hemisphere dominated male brain makes men superior in the spatial abilities, while women are good at verbal and language skills because of the lateralization of their brain which is left-hemisphere (Marchbank and Letherby, 2007). However, in a study, damage to the right-hemisphere related to spatial skills influenced both men and women. Hiscock and colleges concluded that the differences among two sexes because of the brain specialization are very small with 1 and 2 % variability (cited in Helgeson, 2005). Besides, it is reviewed that right-hemisphere is more emotional half of the brain. So, if women are left-hemisphere and men left-hemisphere dominated how women are seen as more emotional than men (Lindsey, 2005). When it is generally looked at the literature of brain studies and biological theories, it should be said that the evidences are contradictory and those studies supporting the influences of biology on the gender differences suffer from methodological inadequacies. Therefore depending on the theories of many researches on the issue of gender socialization, it is assumed that biology alone can not be thought as determinant gender roles and gender differences in behavior and cognition. However, those biological theories draw attention of the theorist to explain the reasons of variability in the behaviors of men and women. That is why it is needed to focus on social-situational and cognitive factors while investigating the process of gender role development. To begin with the psychoanalytic theory, Freud in his theory, talked about a series of stages playing role in the development of personality and third stage focused on the development of gender roles (Helgeson, 2005). In the third stage called as phallic, Freud described the role family environment where children engage in the process of identification with mothers feminine virtue of love and nurturance and with fathers masculine strengths of discipline and rules. That means phallic stage is the starting point that boys and girls discover their genitals and they realize that only boys have penises which leads both boys and girls to view girls as inferior. Due of the desire of opposite-sex parent, oedipal complex, boys fear castration, because father figure is seen as source of threat and fear. Boys, at this stage, overcome their castration anxiety, by giving up sexual attraction for their mother and by identifying with their fathers (Eckes and Trautner, 2000). For girls, the resolution of Electra complex with the meaning of being sexually attracted to their fathers is not completely resolved in the same way that the oedipal complex of boys resolved. Freud was not clear explaining girls identification with their mothers. For girls, anxiety occurs because of the penis envy, realization of girls that they do not have a penis and they blame their mothers for anatomic deficiencies. Therefore, girls want to attract their fathers which lead them to handle conflict, Electra complex, by identifying with their mothers and transferring their energies to make themselves attractive towards their fathers (Smith, 2007). Freuds psychoanalytic theory, however, has been criticized on a number of grounds. One of them is that it is not possible to evaluate thoughts and actions by sexual instincts of unconscious mind from a scientific standpoint. That means it is difficult to verify objectively, whether girls suffer from penis envy or boys from castration anxiety. Another criticism comes from feminist theories due to the Freudian thoughts related to penis envy and castration anxiety. Karen Horney, a feminist psychologist, pointed out the importance of social forces as determinant of gender identity rather than biology. Horney, believed that penis envy experienced by girls, does not reflect an actual adoration to have a penis; rather it is envy of power and social status attributed to men (Brannon, 2005). On the other hand, psychoanalytic theory has been criticized by many researchers of not considering any outside influences such as parents, peers or media (Matlin, 1987). Margret Mahlers and Nancy Chodorows Object-relation Theory grew out of Freuds psychoanalytic theory, but it emphasized the importance of early relationship in establishing gender identity. Like Freud although they stressed the importance of sexuality, Mahler and Chodorow believed that rather than unconscious process, family structure and childrens early experiences have an important role in shaping their gender socialization (Helgeson, 2005). Besides Parson mentioned that Freudian psycho-analytic theory is needed to be modified by pointing out on the development of social roles of children. In his model, Parson emphasized that children learn the male and female roles by playing roles of other family members. Girls learn how to be a mother, or boys learn how to be a father by observing what is expected of individuals who enact roles. According to Parson, gender development of children is the result of learning by mastering of prescribed roles (Eckes and Trautner, 2000). Unlike psychoanalytic theory of Freud emphasizing anatomic human drives in the role of socialization, social learning theory should focus on external events controlling childrens behaviors and the theory also posited that defining factors which promote gender socialization come from the social world. It is assumed by behaviorists that appropriate behaviors have been learned directly through reinforcement or indirectly through observation and imitation (Burr, 1998). Depending on operant-conditioning theory, different expectations lead to different reinforcement from parents, teachers or other agents such as television programmes, books, comics including a rich source of symbolic models reinforcing stereo-typical behaviors for females and males. They reinforce children for behaviors which are thought appropriate to their gender and such social pressures serve to condition gender-typed behaviors such as for girls playing with dolls or for boys playing with balls. Children by this way, learn that gender appropriate behaviors which are reinforced with praise and gender inappropriate behaviors which are scolded by punishment (Smith, 2007). On the other hand, Albert Bandura, social learning theorist, explained the process of socialization of children emphasizing the role of observation and imitation. Parents are seen as primary figures who are imitated and viewed as role models by children. Throughout the time they spent with their parents, children first discriminate gender-typed behavior patterns, then they make generalization of what they have learned to new situations and they performed similar to what they acquired from their observations of their parents. As a result, girls become feminine and boys become masculine by imitating similar models, because society rewards them to behave in particular way (Marchbank and Letherby, 2007). However, like psychoanalytic theory, social-learning theory has been criticized in many ways. Depending on the first criticism, a girl can be rewarded for a masculine activity, such as being a basketball player; however they keep a tight hold on other aspects of feminine role. That means rewarding or punishing a behavior does not always lead children to behave in desired way. Besides, social learning theory underestimate the importance of social changes such as increasing number of single or divorce family environments where adults take on a range of non-traditional roles. Lastly, and the most apparent critique towards social learning theory is that its view of children passive recipients of rewards and punishment and it fails to explain children who are quite rigid about constructing their personal version of gender roles (Lindsey, 2005). Unlike social learning theory, cognitive developmental theory views children as primary agent of his or her own gender role socialization by pointing out the importance of cognitive skills as determinants of selecting role models. Building his theory of Piagets work, the most and the first influential cognitive-developmental theory of sex typing were proposed by Kohlberg. According to him, as children have developed intellectually, they become able to understand the world in terms of categories, including gender categories. The starting point of comprehending the world of child is self-realization which is distinguishing each individual from others. To acquire all aspects of self-realization, children develop their gender identity by observing and labeling behaviors of males and females and translating those sex-typed behaviors at the age six where gender constancy is in place. After that time, to develop their self-esteem, same-sex attitudes, occupations and activities are seen as g ood by children (Serbin, et. al., 1993). Kohlbergs cognitive developmental model of sex typing has been influential since it gives importance to childrens active roles in determining gender-based value system. However, like other theories, there are some limitations in cognitive developmental model. It is criticized since there is a problem to understand the sequence in this model whether gender identity or childrens understanding of gender constancy comes first. According to theory, gender constancy should be acquired before children start to develop a gender-based value system fitting their gender role. However, studies stress that there are children who can not acquired gender constancy, become aware of sex-typed behaviors and integrate them in their lives (Lindsey, 2005). On the other hand, the theory fails to explain why sex such dominant category rather than race, religion, or even hair color. Therefore, to understand why children become sex-typed, rather than race or religious typed, and why priority is given to gender schemas, it is needed to look at the Gender Schema Theory (Marchbank and Letherby, 2007). Like Kohlberg, Sandra Bem, mentioned children categorize their social world along gender lines and their desire is to develop an identity which is consistent of social expectation. However, Bem, as mentioned above as shortcoming of cognitive developmental theory is only has valid explanation for the development of gender identity, not other variables such as eye color, race or culture (cited in Serbin, et. al., 1993). Depending on this theory, schemas are cognitive structures used to grasp the knowledge about the world, take perception and process new information. Gender schema includes information related to what being male or female means and what kinds of behaviors, cognitions, attitudes and emotions associated with those gender-related schemas. Children first learn what their gender is and they realize that there are significant differences related to each gender. This knowledge which children acquire by the sex-differentiated social messages, leads them to the information of gen der schema (cited in Smith, 2007). Like Kohlberg and Piaget, Bem agreed with the view of children as being primary agent of his/her own sex-role socialization, however, unlike those theorists, she emphasized the role of society as providing information used by individuals to acquire gender roles (Bem, 1983). Gender schema theory is the combination of the elements of social learning theory and cognitive developmental theory. When it is looked at the philosophy of social learning theory, it talked about how individuals acquire the different characteristics of female and male gender categories and what kinds of characteristics are associated with those categories. On the other hand, cognitive developmental theory also explains how children start to encode new information and how the accommodate this information into the schemas and categories maintain consistency. Besides, as an answer to the question of why sex-typed categories are dominant, Bem believes that gender is more salient and significant and society assigns to the category of gender a broad functional significance (cited in Helgeson, 2005). In short, gender schema theory indicates that every culture includes assumptions about certain characteristics within personalities of individuals. Sandra Bem used the term cultural lenses to define cultures values, beliefs and norms and due to the influences of those cultural norms and forces, without questioning and altering them, children accept to organize their world (Bem, 1983). When it is considered biological, social-learning, cognitive developmental and gender-schema theories, it could be concluded that each theoretical perspective has a number of problems. Although some of them focus on the environmental forces affecting gender identity, some others mentioned the importance of self-cognitive functioning as determinant issue of developing sex-typing behavior, but in fact, none fully explains gender identity acquisition and gender typing. However, generally, all these theories, offer productive avenues to explain gender role socialization. Now, it is needed to move the attention to sociologically based explanations accounting for primary socializing agents who play an important role on attitudes and behaviors of children regarding gender (Lindsey, 2005). Parents Expectation and Childrens Gender Role Socialization Within the aim of this paper, it is expected to find the answers to the questions of do parents provide different socialization for their girls and boys and do they have different expectations from them? Numerous studies on this issue reveal that by modeling traditional roles and encouraging sex-typed activities, parents influence childrens gender role socialization. (Fagot, 1974). Even starting before birth, mothers give sex-appropriate meaning to the activity of fetus. If fetus moves actively by kicking, mothers define this sign as the child will become more likely male than female (Lewis, 1972). Mothers and fathers have different expectations from their sons and daughters leading childrens gender role socialization depending on their values, attitudes and beliefs which are differentiated for girls and boys. To support this differentiation, a study was conducted with 1200 mothers and fathers from different cultural backgrounds to see how children socialize differently in terms of their gender in family environment. The results reveal that parents emphasize on their sons competition, autonomy, achievement and they support sex appropriate behaviors of their sons compared to girls. When parent-daughter relationships have been examined, parents concern warmth and closeness in the relationships with girls (Block, 1973). The study conducted by Pomerantz and Ruble also the relationships between attitudes of parent in use of control on their children and childrens self-evaluation. When it is looked at the outcomes of the research, parents are more controlling with their daughters rather than their sons and they give more autonomy to boys rather than girls. Childrens self-evaluation analysis also indicates that girls outperform boys in school and they have fewer behavioral problems, but on the other hand, they are more vulnerable to anxiety, depression compared to boys. The authors believe that parents differentiation of use of control with girls and boys is influential factor in their socialization (Pomerantz Ruble, 1998). Supporting the claims of Pomerantz and Ruble, Goshen-Gottstein mentioned that supporting dependency of boys rather than girls, mothers believe that boy should be autonomous (cited in Lindsey,1997). Similar to the findings of those studies and observation mentioned above, depending on the research of Lewis about the interaction between parents and child and expectation of parents, mothers believe that boys should be independent and autonomous than girls and hence they show more proximal behaviors such as touching, holding, or rocking to support their sons to explore their world. On the other hand, mothers look at the eyes of their girls and talk to their daughters more than they do with their sons as part of distal mode of behaviors (Lewis, 1972). Apart from mothers who spent a great deal of their time with both their sons and daughters, when the literature on parenting has been discovered, it is concluded that fathers play primary role in socialization process of their sons especially. A study done by Rothbart and Maccoby parents differential reactions towards their sons and daughters have been analyzed. Fathers have been seen to be potent constructor of the understanding of gender for their children. More likely than mothers, they encourage more traditional gender specific behaviors in their son. They empathize more with them and support independency and autonomy for their sons, rather than girls (Rothbart Maccoby, 1966). Besides, fathers have higher expectations for their sons and they give more emphasis on their sons achievement and occupational attainment rather than the success and carriers of their girls. (Maccoby Jacklin, 1974). As indicated above, due to their different expectations from their sons and daughters, parents reflect their values, beliefs and desires towards their attitudes, communication types and relationships with their children influencing their understanding of the world in a gender-schematic process. Clothes and Arrangement of Childrens Rooms Most parents know the sex of their baby before birth and design childs room accordingly. It is not surprising to see boys rooms are covered with educational and art materials, sport equipments, toy animals and vehicles, while girls rooms consist of dolls, house-keeping toys, and floral furnishings. In a study conducted by Rheingold and Cook, parents furnishing rooms of their sons and daughters has been examined and thought as providing index to their ideas about appropriateness by sex and their different attitudes towards their children. 96 children between the ages of 1 and 71.6 months are the sample of the study. The result of the study reveals that parents design differently the rooms of their daughters and sons with different styles of furnishing and toys. The boys rooms involve more vehicles, and toys supporting motor abilities of children, while girls rooms are full of with domestic equipments and toys of home encouraging nurturance and concern with fashion. According to author s, some of the differences were more apparent and impressive than expected. In girls rooms, there are not vehicle toys such as wagons, boats or buses which can be frequently found in boys rooms. On the other hand, almost total absence of baby dolls and domestic equipments can be observed in boys rooms seen in Table II (Rheingold Cook, 1975). According to authors of this study, the differences in parents furnishing of the rooms of their daughters and sons can be associated in other classes of their behavior towards their girls and boys (Rheingold Cook, 1975). Color-coded and gender-typed clothing of children are widespread and parents choose gender appropriate colors when dressing their children. While they prefer pink, yellows clothing and clothes in pastel tones with embroidered hearts and flowers for their girls, for sons, dark colors such as brown, blue or red clothes with superhero and athletic motives are preferred. According to social learning theory mentioned above, children receive strong messages from their parents related to their gender and by those positive reinforcement associated with their clothing, toys selection and room arrangement, they start to learn what is or not gender appropriate (Lindsey, 2007). Communication and Interaction Differences with Children Differences in the behavior of boys and girls are associated with the differences how parents behave toward them (Rheingold Cook, 1975). Numerous studies indicate that parents play a pivotal role in shaping childrens gender role development by interacting and using different communication types with their sons and daughters. The conversation styles of parents with their children are seen as persuasive socialization mechanisms through which gender roles are conveyed to children (OBrien Shinn, 2008). In a study conducted by Horan and with his colleagues, the aim is to investigate the differences among the communications between mother-daughter, mother-son, father-daughter and father-son dyads. Depending on the collected results of dyads, it is concluded that mothers communicate with their daughters by giving more feminine gender role messages compared to their sons. Similarly, when it is looked at the results of father-son dyads, it can be said that fathers encourage their sons to communicate in masculine styles by sending more masculine messages than they did to their girls. Fathers perceive their sons as being self-reliant, dominant, aggressive, competitive and ambitious than their daughters (Horan, 2007). In another study, fathers have been found to play with their newborn sons and talk them more when compared to their daughters. Besides, when fathers interaction with their girls has been examined, the result shows that they are more gently cuddle to their newborn daughters, while physically rough to their sons (Fagot, 1974). According to the study conducted by Mussen and Rutherford (1963), masculinity of young boys is closely associated with the nature of father-son relationship. That means appropriate sex-role preferences in boys directly correlated with nurturing, affective relationship with their fathers who strongly motivate them towards masculine behaviors. On the other hand, by acting in feminine ways, participating with their daughters in girls game such as housekeeping, mothers become a feminine role model by encouraging their girls to act in the expected ways (Mussen Rutherford, 1963). More recently, a meta-analysis has been conducted about how parents behave towards their sons and daughters. Siegal (1987), concluded that mothers and fathers treat differently and the apparent differences has been found in the era of physical involvement. That means both mothers and fathers participated in physical activities with their boys and they were more strict, and restrictive with them (cited in Helgeson, 2005). Similar to those studies, in another research of OBrien and Shin, they aimed to discover differences in communication styles between mothers and fathers engaged in conversation with a 9-year-old son or daughter. They put two types of communication styles characterized differently for men and women. Assertive communication styles consist of characteristics which are directing attention of others, controlling whole conversation by influencing ideas of others and even interrupting the conversational partner and this style is thought as reflecting mens power and status in the society. On the other hand, affiliative communication which is considered to reflect lack of power of women in society is characterized by concentration on other person through conversation, focusing on others ideas and expecting involvement from partner. The results of the study indicate that fathers use more assertive communication styles and mothers were more affiliative through conversation. In this study, sex o f child has an important role of use of each communication styles. When the powerful status of males and even male children have been considered in society, according to authors, it is not surprising that both mothers and fathers used more affiliative speech with their boys to support their power and dominancy (OBrien Shinn, 2008). Besides those studies, in another study, the frequencies of mothers and fathers parenting behavior with their sons and daughters have been examined. Depending on the results of the study, mothers engage in personal interaction with their daughters rather than their son and similar results of fathers with their sons. According to the authors, traditional gender stereotypes children acquire are the consequences of differential parenting of girls and boys by their mothers and fathers (Moon Hoffman, 2008). Play and Toys Selection In the socio-emotional domain, children develop through the expansion of their social network, from the early relationship with their parents to relationship including other people, especially peers. In this step of the socialization process, play becomes most powerful agent for the formation of peer relationships (Smith, 2007). When the developmental literature has been discovered, consistent findings indicate that children prefer playing with traditionally stereotyped toys for their own sex more than toys stereotyped for the other sex (Martin, 1995). While boys tend to be more active and show higher interest in rough-and-tumble play, girls mostly prefer playing with dolls in the dramatic play (Thorne, 2005). Even starting very early in their lives, children show sex-differences in terms of play and toys selection. Depending on the study of Goldberg and Lewis, 13 month olds, 32 girls and boys behaviors in free play, their interaction with mothers and mothers responses to their infants have been observed. Results indicate that boys and girls reflect striking differences in terms of interaction with mothers, toys and styles of their play. When it is looked at their play styles, girls select toys appropriate for fine motor coordination rather than gross motor abilities. In contrast girls, rather than sitting on the floor, boys are more active by rolling the landowner over toys seen in picture below. Considering maternal behavior of mothers showing differentiation between girls and boys in terms of touching, vocalization and response to their play, author concluded that parents catalyze sex-role appropriate behaviors of children by reinforcing sex-typed activities (Goldberg Lewis, 1969). Parents are the first agent who enact traditionally prescribed sex role

Friday, January 17, 2020

Comparison of Topload vs Frontload Washing Machines

Front Load: * Because of the faster spin speeds, it will extract more water from the clothes allowing them to go into the dryer with less water. You will dry clothes faster while using less energy * The clothes tumble much like in a dryer, and because of this, the washing machine does not use as much water. You will use up to 40% less water than a comparable top load machine. Over time this will offset the initial difference in price between front load and top load machines * Better Cleaning. Because of the tumble action, water will pass through the clothes considerably more often than top load machines.Clothes will come out cleaner, and will last longer as there is less wear and tear on them * Can be stacked with a dryer on top to conserve space TOP LOADERS * There are a wider variety of models and colors * Costs less initially, but is less energy efficient * Easy to access the washtub * Uses regular detergent Features Capacity: Most manufacturers will define the size of the washtub differently. Common terms are â€Å"extra large† or â€Å"super capacity. † When comparing capacity it is best to use the cubic foot measurement to determine the actual size.Tub material: The three most commonly used tub materials used are porcelain-coated, plastic, and stainless steel. Porcelain can deteriorate if it chips. Many of the higher-end models will use a plastic tub, which generally lasts the life of the machine. The very best models will use a stainless steel tub. Water levels: Washing machines have water level settings. Many of the higher end models will offer many more levels to control the amount of water in a machine. A washer using the ideal level of water will be more efficient. Manufacturers recommend using only enough water to cover the clothes.Cycles: There are many cycles available on a washing machine. Choose a machine that will offer all the cycles you will need. Choose from cycles such as permanent press, sanitize, delicate, and extra rinses. Make sure to get a unit with all the cycles your clothes will need. Different wash/spin speed combinations allow you to wash more types of clothing in ways that are safest for the fabric. Water temperature: Your garments will look better and last longer by using proper water temperature. Detergents, bleaches, and fabric softeners require specific water temperatures to work their best.Many of your choices of washers will include several wash and rinse temperature options. A washing machine with automatic temperature regulators will make sure that the water entering the machine will be the proper temperature. For example, on a frigid day in Chicago, the water entering a standard washer set to â€Å"warm† may not get the temperature desired. Temperature regulators will add more hot water as needed to make sure the desired temperature is met. To kill even the toughest germs, a machine will be required to run at an even higher temperature. Look for a washer that offers a temperatu re boost or sanitize cycle.Noise level: Is your washer going to be in your basement or in the garage? If so, you may not be concerned with noise level. If your washer is near a living area you may want a unit that has more insulation and reinforced frames to reduce operation noise. Safety: While it's possible to stop a front-loading machine and add that missing sock, it does have an automatic lock feature on the unit that will prevent the door from opening while the drum is spinning. Controls: Digital controls and displays will allow you to program different cycle settings. Just program your favorite settings and access them with the push of one button.For an easier wash process, choose a machine with a dial or push buttons. Bleach and fabric softener dispensers: The chemicals (detergent, bleach, fabric softener) you use are a key part of garment care. Dispensers will automatically disperse them at the correct time. Energy Star rating: The Energy Star label – conferred by the U. S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency – indicates that a washing machine uses 35 percent to 50 percent less water and 50 percent less energy than a non-labeled machine. That makes the machine better for the environment and saves you money†¦There are many differences between a front loading and top loading washing machine. Most people still have the traditional top loading machine. They are less expensive than front loading machines, though in the end, top loaders may cost you more money in energy and water costs. There are trade offs with each type of washing machine, and plenty of things to consider if you’re planning on purchasing a new machine. A top loading washing machine is most familiar to people, though they may have seen front loading machines in laundromats or increasingly in appliance stores.These machines use an agitator which spins the soapy clothes to help get out dirt. The washer drains, adds more water to rinse and the n spins the clothes to wring out excess water. Clothes are placed into the spinning basket via the top of the machine, and you can open the machine at any time to add something else. A front loading washing machine uses less energy and does not have an agitator. A front loading machine is a gentler method, because it uses gravity to spin the clothes, which helps save energy and may extend life of clothing.These machines use less water and detergent, which may be a great savings on water costs, and they can usually be filled with more clothes. You cannot open these machines while they are running, so your days of adding a forgotten sock to a batch being washed are over if you choose a front loading washing machine. Front loaders vary in size but many can take up less space than top loaders. It’s often possible to stack a dryer on top of a front loading machine, but you will usually only find this feature in top loaders that are very small and won’t accommodate large bat ches.A front loader may be a better choice if you need to save on space but still want a fairly good sized washing machine There is nevertheless some advantage to the top loading washing machine if you have back, knee or neck problems. It can be awkward to bend down to load and unload clothes, but usually no more so than using front loading dryers. If you have to do lots of laundry, you may prefer a front loader to avoid frequent bending to get clothes in and out of a machine. You do give up greater efficiency, savings in energy and water costs, use of less water, and potentially longer life of clothing when you use a top loading washing machine.However you also may benefit in the short run because they are significantly less expensive. For people who can afford the front loader and who don’t have issues with the way clothes are loaded, this may be your best bet. In some states and countries you may even qualify for an energy rebate if you purchase a front loading machine. Th e main difference between a top loading and front loading washing machine is how the clothes are placed inside. A top loading washing machine has a hinged lid on top, allowing the clothes to be placed inside a horizontally-oriented watertight tub.In the center of this tub is a device called an agitator. The agitator's job is to swirl the clothes through the soapy water. A front loading washing machine has no central agitator, but uses gravity and side-mounted paddles to agitate clothes. Once the front door is closed, it remains locked mechanically until the washing cycle is complete. One advantage of a front loading washing machine is an increased capacity. Since there is no central agitator, the horizontally-oriented drum can hold at least 20 to 30% more clothing per load.For a large family, this could mean running only three loads in a front loading washing machine compared to five in a top loader. Fewer loads often translates to savings in utility bills and water usage. A front l oading washing machine is also gentler on clothes and generally quieter to operate. Instead of a centralized agitator literally grabbing clothes and thrashing them, the blades of a front loading washing machine gently pick up the clothes and allow them to drop into the soapy water. The soil is still removed by an agitating action, but gravity does most of the work.Gentler agitation can extend the lifespan of clothes significantly. As top loading washing machines age, they tend to become noisier and more likely to become unbalanced. A front loading washing machine rarely becomes unbalanced from the weight of heavy items. Another advantage of a front loading washing machine is less water and detergent usage. A top loading washer must use enough water to cover the highest level of the clothes. A front loading washing machine, on the other hand, only uses enough water to cover approximately the lower third of the tub at most. The clothes are drawn through the water, not the water throug h the clothes.Detergents designed for front loading washing machines use a lower sudsing formula, and are meant to release different cleansing agents at different water temperatures. In fact, a front loading washing machine often contains its own heating element to keep the water at an ideal temperature for washing. Many consumers also find that a front loading washing machine removes more water during the final spin cycle. This often translates into shorter drying times, which equals savings on electricity. In addition, a front loading washing machine can work in conjunction with a stackable dryer to save space in the laundry room.A standard top loading washing machine cannot be stacked with a standard electric dryer. Manufacturers' attempts at a stacked top loading combination often limit the washer lid's range of motion. No such design problem exists with a front loading washing machine. Front Loader (Main Advantages) 1. Wash quality   –   you can get a better wash qua lity than any top loaders (however, not as good as  God-made washing machines   – our hands). 2. Water/Detergent consumption   –   you can do a cycle of washing with comparatively less water and detergent compared to top loaders.Though you have invested a lot of money on a front loader, you can afford to save some on water and detergents. 3. Longevity   –   front loaders are expected to last longer than top loaders (up to 15 to 20 years of use). Ideal for consumers who believe â€Å"old is gold† and are not interested in exchange offers and/or keeping themselves updated with latest technology. Front Loader (Main Disadvantages) 1. Price –   front loaders are far expensive than top loaders. The lower-end version/model in a front loader is much more expensive than the higher-end version/model in a top loader. 2.Complex mechanism –   front loaders run without a problem as long as they run, but once they land in some problem, it i s forever. Never you can expect the same performance after repair that you found when you bought it. Also, bending down to load a front loader washing machine is considered inconvenient. 3. Repair cost/service   –   the cost involved in repairing front loaders or getting on-time repair service is a real  challenge. You might have to wait as long as 20 days to 3 months to get a fault repaired and then shed a good amount of money for that repair. Top Loader (Main Advantages) 1.User friendly   –   top loaders boast the comfort and convenience of any common user (non-technical housewives)   who can operate the machine without any complications . Another most noted advantage across the world, especially in America and Australia, is the convenience to stand and load the machine without having to bend down as in front loaders. 2. Power consumption   –   power consumed by a top loader is comparatively less than a front loader, basically because of the ti me consumed in washing. A cycle of wash lasts for 30 to 45 minutes in a top loader while the same cycle of wash in a front loader can run up to 1 to 2 hours. . Maintenance   –   top loaders have quite simple mechanism compared to front loaders and involve more electronics than mechanical. So, any repair here might not be as expensive as repairs in front loaders and the service is also quick and affordable. Top Loader (Main Disadvantages) 1. Wash quality   –   sources claim that top loaders’ wash quality is not as good as in front loaders. Since the drum in top loaders is vertical, chances are that clothes at the bottom of the drum and at the top of the drum fail to interchange positions to attain the same wash quality. SOME BRANDS HAVE TACKLED THIS PROBLEM NOW – see below). 2. Water/Detergent consumption   –   top loaders consume more water and detergent compared to front loaders during a wash cycle. This is mainly because the volume of water required in a top loader to wash a certain load is much more compared to a front loader to wash the same load, thereby utilizing more detergent also. 3. Noise/Vibration   –   some top loaders might create vibration and some low-level noise during operation. This is mainly because the body of a top loader is lighter than a front loader and occupies lesser ground space than a front loader.Now, having differntiated between front loaders and top loaders, I hope the above information has helped us to decide between a front loader and a top loader. For all those who have decided to go ahead with a front loader, there is no choice in brand. In India, the obvious front loader market leader is IFB. If at all you have decided to buy a front loader, you can wisely go ahead with an IFB. However, please note that it is advisable to go for higher-end  versions/models than lower-end versions/models since you might not get most of the features in lower-end versions despite payin g such a huge amount. pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]Top Loading and a front Loading: 1. Water Consumption: Water is comsumed is   very less amount in front loading than the top loading. The top loading takes almost 2 to 3 medium size bucket of watter for each cycle. ie Wash + no. of rinse cycle. The front loader wold use less than half the amount of water used by the top loader with the same wash results. 2. Fabrics last long: Front loaders are gentle to the fabrics than the top loaders. From my personal experiance the fabrics do not loae there texture that early as compared to top loaders.The evidance to support it would be  one do not require to clean the lint filer that often, hence the fabric do not loose their fiber. 3. Quiter Operation: The front loaders are quiter operation than the top loders, hence the noise pollution is less in the house. 4 energy comsumption. Front loaders are more enegery effecient than the top loaders. 5:  Front loaders are long lasting a nd  virtually maintainance free. Average life of front loader is longer than the top loader (So i have read) Dificultises with fronty loaders: 1. With front loaders are you need to bend down to load the cloths.So for those who  have back  problem, using front loaders would be a pain. 2. Front loaders require uninterrupted flow of water to operate. 3. Front loaders are heavy units, and they require to be on a perfectly level base,   They should not be moved arround, hence they do not come with base wheels. So guys, choose the front loader, if you want your fabrics to be damaged less, water to be consumed less, but provided you can over come the above difficultues. Feature difference: Wash care programs in Front loading machines are more. i. e. ne has a greater choice for washing cotton clothes  or synthetic ones in Front loading machines. Heater option for hygenic hotwash is there in Front loading machines though there are some top loading machines which have inbuilt heater . Front loader have high rinsing efficiency thus clothes come out detergent free. Front loader have higher drying efficiency   and some machines equiped with 100% dryer can dry clothes 100%. (But they  are costlier and electricity and time consumption for the process is more. ) Other difference: Top loaders are economical than Front loaders but for good features one has to spend a little more.Also, remember cost determines features and PRODUCT QUALITY. Both the machines are user friendly. And if a person takes a little care none of the machines have to be stopped and opened in the middle of the process. even if one wants to do it he can do it easily cos there is drain option given in front loader, after draining stop the machine totally and after about 1. 5 mins one can open its door. Front loader weighs more than top loaders. Both can be moved around by placing them on trolly which is not recommended 🙂 . Water and detergent consumption in Front loading is less.The trad itional top-loading washer does its job well, compared with the washing drums and rollers previous generations used. The washer's tub sits vertically in the machine and has an agitator in the middle that churns the water and clothes together, forcing water through the items. It drains, refills with clean water, agitates again, drains, rinses and spins. The front-loading machine follows the same basic method, but has many advantages over the standard top-loaders. The front-loading machine's greatest advantage may well be its energy efficiency, no small advantage considering an increasingly environmentally aware marketplace.Nearly every model bears the US Department of Energy's â€Å"Energy Star† label, setting it apart as an appliance that meets or exceeds the stringent efficiency standards set out jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Here are some of the other differences between top- and front-loading washers: Efficiency: While a top-l oading machine requires enough water to cover all the clothes in its drum, a front-loading washer needs only a third of that amount because its drum is set horizontally in the machine.As the drum turns, it uses gravity to drop the clothes back into the water. And while a top-loading machine will empty the soapy water and refill for a rinse agitation cycle, a front-loading machine just sprays clean water on the load as the drum continues to turn, saving gallons. Since there's no agitator in a front-loading machine, there's a lot more room for dirty clothes – and larger loads means fewer loads. Finally, the front-loading machine's spin mechanism can reach up to 1,000 rpm, as opposed to the standard top-loader's average 650 rpm.That means less water left in the laundry, which in turn gives you a shorter drying time, saving energy there, too. Space: Most front-loading washers can be stacked with a companion dryer, an impossible feat for standard top-loaders, except for a mere few models. If floor space is important to you, a front-loading washer is the better choice. Clothing life: There's no question that agitators are tough on your clothes. Because only gravity is at work in a front-loading machine, you'll save a lot of wear and tear on your laundry, extending the life of your clothes and linens.Cost: In this department, the front-loading washer is at a significant disadvantage. Typically, they cost a minimum of several hundred dollars more than their top-loading counterparts. This initial outlay will be recouped, of course, in energy costs over the long run, but if you can only budget $500 or less for a washer, you'll have to go with the traditional top-loading model. Ergonomics: If bending or kneeling is difficult for you, stay with a top-loading machine. You'll need to kneel or bend to load the clothes as well as remove the wet load from a front-loading washer.When the machines are stacked, the washer goes on the bottom, so there's no relief there, eit her. Last-minute lid-flipping: We've all run back to the washing machine to toss in a just-found pair of socks or T-shirt after the machine has started. But with a front-loading machine, there's no turning back once you push the start button. The door locks until the cycle has ended. There are however, a few models that allow a few seconds to add a garment, but once that light or time has elapsed, your clothing has to wait for the next load. Detergents:Although you can use any kind of laundry detergent in a top-loader, your detergent selection may be a bit limited with a front-loading machine, depending on the manufacturer. Most manufacturers of front-loading washers recommend using an HE low-sudsing detergent; these are becoming more widely available all the time. In the conservation department, the front-loading machine is a clear winner, saving water, energy and, of course, money over the life of the machine. The major detractor for most consumers is the larger initial cash outla y; front-loaders often cost $800 or more compared with around $350 for a good top-loader.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Warming Of Global Climate Change - 1329 Words

Global climate change is going to change with or without the help of humans because we have to use fossil fuels to survive. Global Climate change is the warming of the average temperature On Earth’s surface, caused mainly by the increased concentration of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere causing weather patterns to change. Man-made gases are not the only contributing factor to Global Climate change because such things as sunspots eating at the atmospheric layers, causing more radiation to come through, increased water vapor due to Carbon Dioxide induced warming as indicated by NASA, and Permafrost, which is solid, frozen soil which constitutes about 25% of land area in the Northern Hemisphere. Sunspots form On the sun’s surface due to strong magnetic field lines coming up within the sun trough, solar surface, and are visible as dark spots compared to surrounding. Sunspots are generally bigger than the Earth and are always dark and much cooler than it’s surroundings. Large sunspots can have a temperature of 3700 degrees Celsius, which isn t much compared to the temperature of the photosphere of the sun which is about 5500 degrees Celsius. Sunspots are a very common sight during the solar maximum; Solar maximum is the period of greatest solar activity which lasts about eleven years ( 2015). Sunspots occur because the sun isn t a rock like Earth and the inner planets.The sun is a ball of continuously circulating hot gases that doesn t move all in oneShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words   |  4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earth’s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earth’s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in temperature has the potential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concernsRead MoreClimate Change Of Global Warming924 Words   |  4 Pages Figure 0.1 shows the different effects of global warming. Global warming is the warming of our planet at an extreme rate. The Earth’s climate has warmed by 7.8OC since 1880. (Quick facts about science, 2015). What causes global warming? The cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide. This acts like a blanket. Protecting the earth, and heating the earth. Sun rays would normally bounce around the earth, but with the blanket, the sun rays heat the blanket which heats the earth. (Petersen ScienceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1398 Words   |  6 Pages Global warming and climate change have been frequent topics of discussion over the past several years. Although people tend to focus on the politics, it is important to look past the media aspects of it into the cold hard facts of what our Earth is currently experiencing, and what has caused it in the first place. The cause of climate change includes natural causes, but human causes are what is generating such a rapid global temperature change. It’s time that the ways in which humanity affectsRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1060 Words   |  5 PagesClimate change (Klaus) 1000 The terms â€Å"global warming†, â€Å"climate change† or â€Å"greenhouse effect† have become more than just parts of the popular lexicon as they rather are subject of public discussions, scientific research or political debates. Despite the popularity and the ubiquity of these terms, the public’s theoretical and conceptual understanding of them and their causal relations is often based on superficial knowledge and buzzwords or caricatures outlined and depicted in several popular mediaRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming1194 Words   |  5 PagesDonya Curtis April 19, 2017 English 1001-rough draft Global Warming Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth s surface air and oceans from the mid 20th century and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120 fold in the past 140 years. WhileRead MoreClimate Change and Global Warming1074 Words   |  5 PagesClimate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This alsoRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1022 Words   |  5 PagesWhat = Climate Change Who = Emma, Aoife, Julia, Rachael, Mariah and Cà ©line What is it? Climate Change is a change in the demographic distribution of weather patterns, and related change in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, happening over time scales of decades or longer. It’s the world’s greatest threat. Climate change is the change in temperature over a period of time. It involves the greenhouse effect and global warming. Where is it? It is an issue affecting everyone everywhere. ClimateRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words   |  6 Pagesphenomenon, known as â€Å"smog† became an often daily occurrence in big, urbanized cites across the globe. Also, Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, popularized the issue of climate change and global warming as a result of the damage that the modern world has done to the atmosphere. He noted that people resist the facts about climate change due to the inconvenience of changing their lifestyles. But, uninhibited industrialization of several countries has led to intense modernization and revolution of theRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming928 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper will discuss climate change and global warming on the economy. The paper also gives a description on climate change and global warming. As well as what it hold for future business owners. It will also discuss what the government is doing about climate change/global warming. Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normal (expected average values for temperature and precipitation)Read MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1630 Words   |  7 PagesClimate Related Threats Global warming will lead to uncontrollable devastation such as famine, war, and economic instability. Climate change will accelerate the dislocation of hundreds of millions of people and the extinction of many species. The negative effects of climate change are obvious on every continent. Professor Le Quere, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said, The human influence on climate change is clear. The atmosphere and

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Theme Of Freedom In Beloved By Toni Morrison - 951 Words

This quote highlights the recurring theme of â€Å"simple joys† of freedom in â€Å"Beloved†. Despite being a slave, Sethe learns the joy of freedom by sneaking out into the cornfields with her love interest, Halle. Sethe whimsical diction equates the beauty of the corn silk to freedom. The use of words like â€Å"tight sheath† and â€Å"loose silk† use corn to display a contrast between freedom and slavery. While I never have never had my freedom stripped away from me like Sethe, I also can appreciate the â€Å"simple joy† that seemingly insignificant things can bring. Bringing up Sethe’s past as a slave is important in that it emphasizes the need to discuss slavery. Although no one enjoys speaking about slavery, Morrison tries to conveying that it needs to†¦show more content†¦This is seen through the use of â€Å"breakable† and â€Å"meltable†, which highlights the fragility of Denvers circumstances. Additionally, this quote highlights that Sethe’s difficulty with coping with her past has trapped Denver both emotionally and physically. I can personally connect with Denver in that I use relationships to keep me together, and losing them would also harm me. This quote uses diction to captures Sethe’s desperation as she tried to murder her children in an attempt to free them from a world of slavery. It shows both the degree of pain slavery brought to Sethe and her, albeit slightly twisted, form of maternal love that she is willing to kill her children. She is so scared about bringing her kids into slavery that she kills them, out of love. Being in Sethe’s perspective, this normally considered horrific act turns into one of love. This quote applies to my life in a way I never expected. It helps remind me that although my parents do things that seem annoying, no where near the same degree as Sethe’s actions, they do them out of love. This quote once again highlights the continual theme of Beloved’s dependance on Sethe’s maternal love. I perceive this quote as Beloved describing childbirth and she is emerging from a womb to see the face of her mother, Sethes. The use of â€Å"hot thing† symbolizes a brand meant to mark slaves, is a sign of their relationship, as slaves daughters would also be branded. This alsoShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words   |  7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page’s article, â€Å"Circularity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved,† he writes, â€Å"The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core-images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest-journeys, and the formation and disinteg ration of families†Read MoreWell-known American Author Toni Morrison1182 Words   |  5 PagesToni Morrison (named Chloe Anthony Wofford at birth) was born in Lorain, Ohio, on February 18, in 1931, to Ramah (nà ©e Willis) and George Wofford. She is the second child of four in a middle-class family. As a child, Morrison read frequently; her favorite authors were Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy. Morrisons father told her many folktales of the black community (something that would later be apart of Morrisons works). Morrison is a well known American author, editor, and professor who won the NobelRead MoreToni Morrison s Beloved, And The Cost Of Having Too Much Love For Ones1193 Words   |  5 Pagesor believing that there could ever be enough attention to go around. In the novel Beloved, by Toni Morrison, a theme of the cost of having too much love for ones’ children is portrayed. Sethe, a slave woman within the novel, helps develop this theme through the third person narration of her life. The novel takes place during the Reconstruction era during a time of turmoil for black slaves everywhere. Toni Morrison uses constant shifts in character’s perspectives in order to give the reader insightRead MoreReview Of The Bluest Eye 2004 Words   |  9 PagesPRINCESS O’NIKA AUGUSTE ATLANTA, GEORGIA Beloved is one of the most beautifully written books and Toni Morrison is one of the best authors in the world. After reading the Bluest Eye and seeing how captivating it is, it is not highly expectant to think that Beloved would be just as enchanting. Anyone who has read Beloved would read it again and those of us who have not should be dying to read it. Beloved is a historical fiction novel based on aRead More Maternal Bond in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay1595 Words   |  7 PagesMaternal Bond in Toni Morrisons Beloved  Ã‚     Ã‚     The maternal bond between mother and kin is valued and important in all cultures.   Mothers and children are linked together and joined: physically, by womb and breast; and emotionally, by a sense of self and possession.   Once that bond is established, a mother will do anything for her child.   In the novel Beloved, the author, Toni Morrison, describes a woman, Sethe, whos bond is so strong she goes to great lengths to keep her children safe andRead MoreSlave Narratives: Beloved by Toni Morrison1644 Words   |  7 Pageswe have not experienced these hardships, and weren’t even born to witness it. Slave narratives are memoirs that were written while slavery was still legalized, for example Harriet Jacob’s â€Å"Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl†. However, Toni Morrison’s â€Å"Beloved† is considered a neo-slave narrative because it is a story that is written after the abolishment of slavery. These stories of slavery still ha unt Americans, black and white. Slave narratives are significant because there are psychologicalRead More Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved - Freedom and Independence1495 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom and Independence in Beloved  Ã‚      Toni Morrison’s important novel Beloved is a forceful picture of the black American experience.   By exploring the impact slavery had on the community, Beloved evolves around issues of race, gender, and the supernatural.   By revealing the story of slavery and its components, Morrison declares the importance of independence as best depicted by Sixo.   The combination of an individual amongst a community sets forth the central theme of moving from slaveryRead MoreRacism And Discrimination On African Americans1210 Words   |  5 PagesExtremely similar to her use of characters, Morrison also expresses the impact of racism and discrimination on African Americans through her frequent use of symbolism.2 In The Bluest Eye, an extremely important symbol is blue eyes (Crayton 73). Blue eyes are used to symbolize racially based beauty standards and the power associated with whiteness (â€Å"Bluest† LitCharts). In the novel, society believes that if a person does not have white skin, he or she is not beautiful. Pecola Breedlove falls victimRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison1816 Words   |  8 Pages. Beloved is one of the most beautifully written books and Toni Morrison is one of the best authors in the world. After reading the Bluest Eye and seeing how captivating it is, it is not highly expectant to think that Beloved to be just as enchanting. Anyone who has read Beloved would read it again and those of us who have not should be dying to read it. Beloved is a historical fiction novel based on a true historical incident. Beloved isRead MoreDays Of Future Past By Toni Morrison1614 Words   |  7 Pagesdisappear. This is why Toni Morrison found it important to write a book on this issue.This book named Beloved transforms the history of black slavery into a story as powerful as exodus, and it uses the true life story of Margaret Garner who is portrayed as Sethe to accomplish this. Toni M orrison penned this book at a time when racial discrimination against the black community was at it’s peak. In this novel, Toni Morrison tells a strong story that explores deeply into themes such as the effects of